
Bankruptcy Filings

Below you will find documents pertaining to Connector 2000 Association, Inc. bankruptcy issues. All documents are furnished in PDF format. To view these documents you must have Adobe Acrobat™ or the Adobe Acrobat Reader™ plug-in installed on your machine.

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Final Order Closing Case [08-27-12]
Closing Documents Relating to the Bond Exchange [April 2012]
Exchange Package [04-17-12]
Proposed Order [02-07-12]
First Amendment to License Agreement [04-01-11]
First Amended and Restated Master Indenture of Trust [04-01-11]
Confirmation Order [04-01-11]
First Amended Plan as Modified [03-16-11]
Ballot Tally [03-11-11]
Amended Confirmation Hearing Notice [02-11-11]
Solicitation Procedures Cover Letter [01-27-11]
Letter to Voting Claimants Summarizing Bonds, Recommending Vote [01-27-11]
Confirmation Hearing Notice [01-21-11]
Solicitation Procedures Order [01-21-11]
Order Approving First Amended Disclosure Statement [01-19-11]
First Amended Disclosure Statement [01-17-11]
Appendix A to First Amended Disclosure Statement as Revised [01-17-11]
Appendices B & C to First Amended Disclosure Statement [01-17-11]
Appendices D thru G to First Amended Disclosure Statement [01-17-11]
First Amended Plan for Adjustment of Debts [01-17-11]
Appendix A to First Amended Plan [01-17-11]
Appendices B & C to First Amended Plan [01-17-11]
Appendix D to First Amended Plan [01-17-11]
Appendix E-1 to First Amended Plan [01-17-11]  (very large file, allow time to download)
Appendix E-2 to First Amended Plan [01-17-11]
Appendix E-3 (First Part) to First Amended Plan [01-17-11]
Appendix E-3 (Second Part) to First Amended Plan [01-17-11]
Redline of First Amended Disclosure Statement [01-17-11]
Order For Relief [01-12-11]
Consent Order Withdrawing Eligibility Objection [12-16-10]
Motion for Order [12-10-10]
Application for Entry of an Order [12-10-10]
Order & Notice for Hearing on Disclosure Statement [11-24-10]
Stay Order for Discovery and Eligibility Trial [11-08-2010]
Trial Notice [11-01-2010]
US Bank Response to SCDOT Objection [08-10-2010]
SCDOT Objection to Chapter 9 Petition [07-30-2010]
U.S. Trustee's Statement [06-29-2010]
Notice of Commencement of Case [06-28-2010]
Notice of Emergency Hearing [06-25-2010]
Amended Petition [06-24-2010]
Southern Connector Press Release [06-24-2010]